
Extra book 5: The Substitute Heiress

The Substitute Heiress By: Juliane Karlis

This was a very cute short book that I got for free on Kindle. The only thing is, is that it just ended very quickly.

A woman is alive after going through a bad storm on a boat. She says she is the heiress when in fact, she is the maid. It takes most of the book for her to say the truth.


49. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

49. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By: Arthur Conan Doyle

This is yet another book that was read the whole way through!!! I can see why they made movies out of this!! I am sure people could say that this is only a quick number of how many stories are about Sherlock Holmes. I could picture myself being in at his place and walking around with Dr. Watson. Dr. Watson is the main narrator until the adventure begins.

Thank you Mr. Doyle! You have made this being stuck in the house a little easier to bare.

Sherlock always sees what others do not. From how you are wearing your clothes, a spot of ink on your finger, or the where you look when you are talking or answering questions.

Now, which Sherlock shall be my fave? And which Dr. Watson?

Jude Law 'in love' with 'Sherlock Holmes' co-star Robert Downey Jr ...
PAID] Deshaun Watson and Deandre Hopkins as John Watson and ...

48. Gone with the Wind

48. Gone with the Wind By: Margaret Mitchell

Well, this book is over 1,000 pages. Did I read the whole book? Um……no. Did I read until 120 and then just realize I could Spark notes the rest to find out what happened?

I really did like the story. But, did anyone end up with whom they loved? Or did everyone die? How can one person act or presume to be in love with so many different people at the same time?

I did like reading about Atlanta and different places in Georgia. It was yet another book on my list that even though it was the time period it was set in, slaves were very much in the book.

Well, Here is to you Gone with the Wind! A book on the my list that I did like!!!!


Extra Book 4: An Amish Love

An Amish Love By: Emma Maas

I am loving these little short Amish stories during this time of being at home. This one was so cute. A woman believes she isnt able to have children due to a surgery she had. The neighborhood cute guy loves her even still and I wont ruin the ending!!!


47. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea

47. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea By: Jules Verne

I was thinking that I was going to like it. Reading it made me think of Life of Pi, reading and listening to what it was like to be on a boat. Even using boat terms, if that is a thing, I was still interested.

Also, I didnt think that a narwhal, was really a thing until I saw Elf. But, in a book written so many many years ago, it describes one that everyone wanted to see and write about.

And so, I read more than 100 pages but couldn’t finish it.


Extra Book 3: An Amish Christmas Love

Extra Book: An Amish Christmas Love By: Emma Maas

I looked through all of the books that I have on Kindle and actual books for my 100 book poster. I decided that in between the books, especially since I’m stuck at home and my anxiety is so bad, that I would read light hearted ones. I have about 10 Amish books downloaded on my Kindle and I think this is the time to read a little Amish romance.

This book was not that many pages. It was a cute short story of two people meeting and being set up.


46. Les Misérables

46. Les Misérables By: Victor Hugo

Here is one that some people are going to be upset b/c I could not follow the book. I had to stop. I also have never seen the movie. I know, I do have other books that I love, that I can’t believe someone else wouldn’t look to it as their favorite. Also, movies based on books that I have so loved and cherished and this is one that I just don’t get. I know that I didn’t allow more time in the book and I….could say later I would try again but that would be a lie.

For those who love this, I am so glad. Here below is the trailer.


45. Gulliver's Travels

45. Gulliver’s Travels By: Jonathan Swift

This is another one that I tried and I hope others enjoyed. Did you know that there was a small paragraph above each chapter that you can read. It’s like a summary and so why would anyone want to read the chapter? I know to get more about it, but if you are not even liking the book, the summary would be helpful.

I remember Jack Black made a movie from the novel. Or based or loosely based b/c I did not watch that.

I have my account on Goodreads and recently all of my books have gotten a 2. Even if I didn’t like the book after 100 pages, it could be someone else favorite book.


44. Wuthering Heights

44. Wuthering Heights By: Emily Bronte

Okay, so I have been reading most of my books through real ones. I really like seeing how much I have read and how much of the book I had left. You can see by turning the pages and see how far you still have. I bought a bundle of books on my Kindle for $2.99. It has 50 books and at least 15 are ones on the list. Wuthering Heights was the first one that I tried to read on it. I tried. I moved back to books on from the library and haven’t read any on my Kindle in a while. I tried to get into the book. I started it like three times. They just sat around and drank tea!!

Here is the synopsis:

I don’t even want to put the synopsis. If this is your favorite book, then we can still be friends. I promise!


43. Madame Bovary

43. Madame Bovary By: Gustave Flaubert

Oh, where has this book been all of my life? As previous, I haven’t read a good book in a while. But, this is what I have been waiting for!! It reminded me of Pride of Prejudice, of that time period. At first you don’t know what this book will be about. But, it’s about the woman of the house. It’s before she is married and how she met/ instantly married a man. Then her times of living and being a wife of a doctor. The doctor was always out and about with work, and she was able to not one but two times almost run away with a man. The first, she was all ready to leave and he just sent her a letter saying he couldn’t do it. The last pretty much did the same.

The whole time, all I was thinking of was, this woman, This MRS. Doctor Husband, had a baby. A daughter with her husband. But, it might have just been that time, but once the baby popped out, she was given to a nurse. The baby went to the nurses/maid home and lived there!!! Like, she didn’t even see her baby!! Someone else was breastfeeding and taking care of her baby!! Her baby didn’t come back home for a year!! My thought on it, is when the baby could be off of milk and be on regular food. There is so much more to this story. It does have a lot of pages, but it goes by fast.

This is a book that I would recommend!!! WHoo!! Hoo!!

On a total other part, I would like to just write a couple of things about my days so I can remember when I read this at later dates.

Day 3 of DLD, have ice cream and food. Daniel has had work but also has been sent home early a couple of times. We have 9 rolls of toilet paper and I now know we use 1 roll every 2 days so we are okay. I don’t like being off of work but I am trying to keep myself busy and relaxed.