
73. The sound and the fury

73. The sound and the fury By: William Faulkner

I tried and I just could not get into it. This is one book on my list that I wonder if anyone else likes it. But, I remember that many books that I have enjoyed, others have not. So, on to the next one


72. Edgar Allen Poe: The Complete Works

72. Edgar Allen Poe: The Complete Works

I tried to work on these but could not get into them.


71. Alice adventures in wonderland.

71. Alice adventures in wonderland By: Lewis Carroll

I really tried to read the book. I did not like watching the movie at all and have never understood why anyone liked it. It goes along with Charley and the Chocolate Factory. I just don’t understand it!!! I don’t have to understand or like it. Just try to read it.

So no thank you Lewis Carroll.


70. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles.

70. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles By: Haruki Murakami

I tried. I didn’t know what this book was about. You think maybe birds but it doesn’t have anything to do with them. GOODREADS did not show people liking the book at all.

How on the Top 100 books is there one that you have to look around to see if anyone is watching you read. The main character quickly gets a phone call while at home. He doesn’t know who it is, but the caller begins to ask what he wants her to be wearing and speaks very sensually into the phone to him.

You also don’t really know what the book is about. Maybe its just the day on the life but I just couldn’t get into it.


69. The Art of War

69. The Art if War By: Sun Tzu

I did know that this book was only 77 pages. I also have heard of the book, but did not know that its basically lists of helpfulness from the author. I can see why people like to read it. When I was putting it on Goodreads, it described of famous people quoting the book and saying that they loved it.

I did not mind reading it and here are a couple of things I highlighted while reading it.

“Hence the saying, If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not to fear the result of a hundred battles.”

“There are not more than five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, and black), yet the combination they produce more hues than can ever be seen.”

“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to recieve him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the dact that we have made our position unassailable,”


68. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows By: J K Rowling

Okay!! I finished it!! So many different things like the last one, and so here is the list.

  1. Dumbledore needed Snape to kill him.
  2. I loved the 19 years later and how Harry named his son Albus Severis.
  3. Everyone who came together to help Harry in the end.
  4. Neville is now a teacher at Hogsworth!
  5. Now I want to watch the movies!!

67. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince BY: J K Rowling

So much to say about this book! Especially when you finish it at 2 AM and want to wake up your snoring husband up just to scream at him these things!!

  1. Dumbledore
  2. Who the Half Blood Prince is? I didn’t guess it. I knew that it would be someone that we knew, but not him!
  3. Ron and his girlfriend kissing all of the time!! Why didn’t he have the balls just to break up with her!
  4. Ginny and Harry
  5. Bill and LeFluer being together. Oh, how she got on my nerves. I think it’s bc with Harry, he was just happy to have a family and people around him that wanted him, he went with the flow. And b/c he is a loving person. But, she came in and just didn’t like what was going on.
  6. Bill turning into a half werewolf!!
  7. Dumbledore talking to the Dursleys!!!!!!!!
  8. So much more to say, but I will end here.

66. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

66. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix By: J K Rowling.

Okay, this was my favorite book of the series yet. So many different things happened!!! You would think that there would be a couple of surprises or new things but so much happened!!!!!!

So, I think that I will just list the things and then I will probably have forgotten some, but these are the things that I loved.

  1. Harry and Cho’s date!!!
  2. Longbottom, oh Ron!!! When they were at the hospital and everyone else finally knew about Neville’s real home life.
  3. Hermione kissed Ron on the cheek!!
  4. Neville could have been the child that He Who is not Named was looking for!
  5. Who was in the Order!!
  6. Snape helping Potter
  7. Harry seeing how his dad acted when he was younger and why Snape is the way he is.
  8. Sirius Black!! I got teary eyed!

And so, there are so much more to this book but here is just a couple of things that have gone through my mind. Now on the next!!!


65. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire By: JK Rowlings

This is the one that I was waiting for. I remember my sister telling me when we were very much loving the Twilight series, that Edward Cullen was in the Harry Potter series.

And so, Cedric is met in this book. I knew what was going to happen but now how. Harry and Cedric were kind to each other. Because they were kind, the things happened. I know, the teacher made all the clues and everything available for him to get to the Gold Cup first, but both boys needed to be kind and they were. Harry was always kind to the Dursleys, even through gritted teeth at times.

I could see why Dumbedore had to tell everyone at the end of the year or maybe it was the next year, bc I am reading all of the books back to back, that it was the “person who shall not be named” who killed Cedric. That it had nothing to do with Harry Potter.

This one is my favorite so far.

I would also like to say that Mr. Weasley, but more I would say Mrs. Weasley has always taken care of Harry. From the Christmas sweaters and food, to always being there to help Harry out.