
44. Caramel Pecan Roll Murder by: Joanne Fluke

Library Book

This book just came out and I read it in one day!! It was so good to read about Hannah and all of the characters and how they have been. This is the first one that didn’t consist of who Hannah was dating. When a huge fishing tournament come about, Hannah and her sisters are asked to help bake and put out the food for the fisherman. When the hoity toity fish announcer is found dead, Hannah has to help find out who did it.


43. Ten things we did (and probably shouldn’t have) By: Sarah Mlynowski

Book from Jenny

I don’t really know how I feel about this book. It should be said that I wouldn’t want any of the middle schoolers or any of my friends to read this one. April is 16, yes 16 and she contrived this plan to live with her friend while her father moves to another state. So, the two high school girls rent a hot tub, learn how to go to grocery store, and have wild parties. Her boyfriend lies to her twice, and inflicts an std on her. The plan also comes with fake emails to the father and the friends mother so no one knows that the girls are partying by themselves. Even the ending left me wondering if I should have read the book.


42. Tuck Everlasting By: Natalie Babbitt

Book from Library

This is a book that I though I had read when younger or had the seen the movie. I really have done neither. This is a middle school quick read book. Winnie Foster meets a family that has drank from the spring on her family property. When she finds out that she could live forever, what does she choose?


41. Who do you think I am? By: Anjelah Johnson-Reyes

Arc from Publisher

Got this as an arc from the publisher. This wonderful book talks about Anjelah’s life, throughout her childhood to what she is doing now. If you have liked her stand up, or want to know more about her, this is a good book for you.


39 and 40. A Hearts obsession and A Hearts Danger

Bought at Library

Fifty cents each from the Gilmer County library. It’s number 2 and 3 of a 6 part series. Each book is only about 100 pages but they are so good!! It’s old war times. The main character, Sarah stays with her father until he dies. Now she is on the war front with her best friend and husband are. Rand, who left with her heart is now engaged to Jessica, the post commander. The second book talks about Jessica in cahoots with a man who hates Rand and want to marry Sarah. It’s such a quick read for both books and you just can’t wait to see what happened. Even though it’s small, the weight of what’s going makes you feel like you are right there with the characters.


38. Key lime pie murder by: Joanne Fluke

Library Book

Hannah is part of a county baking contest as a judge. One of the judges is murdered. She has to figure out who the murderer is.


37. Gingerbread Cookie Murder By: Joanne Fluke

Library Book

This is another book with three different authors telling a story. In the Hannah Swensen one, Hannah’s neighbor is found dead after his music was blaring. Does it have anything to do with his winning lottery ticket? This was a cute short story and was filled with all of the regular characters.


36. Candy cane murder by: Joanne Fluke

Library Book

One story within a book with three all together from different authors. Santa is found dead. Hannah must figure out who the killer was.


35. Double Fudge Brownie Murder By: Joanne Fluke

Library Book

Hannah’s mother is on her own honeymoon. This one has a murder but the best part is that Hannah finally decides who she wants to be with and gets engaged at the end.


34. Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by: Joanne Fluke

Library Book

This is the first Hannah Swensen Baking Mystery Book. The cover is terrible but the story inside is just like the others. Again, you don’t have to read these in order, but you will along the way see who she ends up with and begin to fall in love with all the characters that come along with the books.