
216. Plain Jane and the Mermaid by: Vera Brosgol

Netgally arc

This is the cutest graphic novel. This would be great for a middle school classroom library. There are so many different old stories that come to life in this book. An ugly girl, a girl that loses her parents and her home, and a boy from town that has eyes for a mermaid that wants to eat him to stay pretty. Jane throughout finds who she really is and begins to stand up for herself. The illustrations are wonderful and make you feel like you are underwater with her. I highly recommend this book!

By cak381

I have a love of reading and talking about books. Even the books that I didn't like as much, I still love to talk about them. I love working at the library b/c I am always bringing home a book! I am also grateful to receive ARCs of books and to bring them to my blog and write about them.

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