
213. By the Shores of Silver Lake by: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Borrowed from library

This one was a good one to read on the line of reading all of the books.

Pa wants to change where they are living once again. Pa puts a home in the middle of the town. The only thing that I didn’t like was that people would be coming to the town and wouldn’t have anywhere to stay! At first, someone that they knew came to stay overnight. But then each night, a wagon full of men would knock on their door to have a place to keep out of the cold. They would stay by the stove, and the girls would be upstairs by themselves. Laura figures out a great thing to have the people leave money in order to help with all of the food that people eat. I couldn’t imagine sitting down for dinner and then hearing a wagon or two, and Ma had to try to come up with extra food.
They do use this money in order to go to where they will be living.

By cak381

I have a love of reading and talking about books. Even the books that I didn't like as much, I still love to talk about them. I love working at the library b/c I am always bringing home a book! I am also grateful to receive ARCs of books and to bring them to my blog and write about them.

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