
27. Memoirs of a Geisha

27. Memoirs of a Geisha by ‎Arthur Golden

Number 1. Did you know that this book was written by a man?

Number 2. I have never seen the movie. When looking up things about it, many different times it said that it was a well known book and that people who have read it were excited to see the movie.

I really enjoyed the book. It was the first in a while that was over 400 pages. It was one that you didn’t know what was going to happen next. Even though it was written by a man who is not of Asian descent, he did well with helping the reader feel like you were there.

At one point in the book, the main character who is also the narrator, was speaking later in life. She was in New York at a bar meeting with friends. When she spoke about her younger life and how she was a Geisha, one woman whispered, “Oh, she was a prostitute.” That is what I thought coming into the book. In some ways you can call it that depending on where the Geisha lives, and what she decides or what is decided for her. Many of these women have no choice. Their choice is to live. By that, they must do what they are told to do.

This is one book that I would recommend to others.

By cak381

I have a love of reading and talking about books. Even the books that I didn't like as much, I still love to talk about them. I love working at the library b/c I am always bringing home a book! I am also grateful to receive ARCs of books and to bring them to my blog and write about them.

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