
25. Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go

By: Kazuo Ishiguro

I remember reading this book at one time. Or did I see some of the movie and just remember a little. This Utopian/cultish book makes you want to know what is going to happen at the end. Do they realize they were born to be donations with their bodies? Who falls in love with whom? Do people who aren’t taught about about constantly talk about it with friends? And so, I really enjoyed my 25th book on my poster. 25 books look like a lot scratched off.

If you have this book or enjoyed any of the others, please let me know.

By cak381

I have a love of reading and talking about books. Even the books that I didn't like as much, I still love to talk about them. I love working at the library b/c I am always bringing home a book! I am also grateful to receive ARCs of books and to bring them to my blog and write about them.

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