
I’ve read 200 books since the beginning of the year!!!

So much to say!!! 1. The Reading Log on the left was the best present ever from my sister in law Bettie for Xmas!! Everyone who reads and wants to keep up with the books needs to get one. It has space to write about each book that you read.
2. Yes, I have another Reading journal that keeps up with the stats with color coding and stickers and I love to show it off!

I still can’t believe it’s only the beginning of Sept and I have read 200 books! Last year I read 174 for the whole year!
I also blog about each book that I read, so you can check out and subscribe to!!!

Another thing is that the publisher Hachette emails me every month with a list of books that haven’t come out. I can choose to be sent any of them. If you would like to know how to get on the list or help in getting free Arcs, message me!!

Please check out Netgalley if you would like to read/listen to audiobooks from your phone or tablet for free. They are new books that haven’t come out yet!!

Also, #Scriptd is the best place to listen to many audiobooks and they usually give you a couple of months free trial°°

On to the stats!

1-200 books read:
Amish: 105
Audio: 89
FREE from Publisher: 11
Library: 31
Bought: 54
Paperback: 71
Hardback: 25
# of pages: 45, 868!

By cak381

I have a love of reading and talking about books. Even the books that I didn't like as much, I still love to talk about them. I love working at the library b/c I am always bringing home a book! I am also grateful to receive ARCs of books and to bring them to my blog and write about them.

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