
29. Ray of Light by: Shelley Shepard Gray

Bought at McKays

Synopsis: Second book in the series. You are still following the characters from book one, but this is more about the son, Roman. He goes on vacation to a small town in Florida. He meets his neighbor Amanda and her daughter. Amanda is struggling with being a Widow bc her mother-in-law won’t leave her alone and allow her to have a life. When she begins to spend time with Roman, her daughter and she begin to love being around him. What happens when they go back to their lives?

Recommend: Yes, there are many many different characters and it takes you a minute to remember how they fit into the families. The author does a really good job at telling you what has been happening with the characters of book one.


28. Daybreak by: Shelley Shepard Gray

Bought at McKays

Synopsis: This is the first in a series. You are fully enveloped with two families. Viola works at a nursing home. Her favorite elderly patient, Atle has a missionary son. When Edward comes home for a visit……they begin to have feelings for each other. While Viola is having fun at her job, her home life is starting to be a little crazy. Everyone finds out that her grandmother wasn’t Amish growing up. That secret now allows her aunt and uncles to leave the nest and figure out what they want in their lives. Her twin sister is battling with going blind and is she ever going to find a man? Missionary Edward is asked to be in charge of the missionary field in Belize. But, he has fallen for Viola. What will happen when they face each other and tell each other how they feel? Could Viola ever leave her home when she feels like she is the caretaker of so many?

Recommendation: This is a great stand-alone book and also a wonderful book for a start of a series. I can’t wait to start the next book. I like seeing Viola get small amounts of guts to even just see that there is a life outside of her small home. One where she can just be with a man and not have to take care of anyone else.