
20. Great Expectations

Great Expectations By: Charles Dickens

I really wanted to like this book. I really wanted to finish it but after the first 100 pages, I just couldn’t.

Remember the movie of the same name with Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow? This is BASED, I mean a lot of things were different, they even changed the characters first name.

So, take away the movie. Take away the long drawn out showing of what Pip’s home life is. Then he is made to hang out with an old lady and her relative in a big huge mansion. Everyone doesn’t treat him….not even as a person but something you can just throw around. I didn’t want to find out or keep reading long enough to see if any expectations came true.


19. All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front By: Erich Maria Remarque

It was such a good book. The main character talks about his life during boot camp, time of war on the front line, and when being in the hospital for being hit. The book made you feel like you were right there with him in all that he is doing.

Himself and 7 other men in his group went to the same high school. They went and sign up for the army at the same time. It was also good that it showed how all of those young mens lives followed each other and how they lived their lives together also in times when they weren’t together.